Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Cloning Grid Control agent binaries

Lastly we created a 2-node system in configuration active-standby. The environment for the second node was simply a copy of the first one. As all the paths were preserved then we successfully used the same Oracle Database binaries.
However when came to agents, when we run them on both nodes we get only one agent on the OMS. The other agent was seen as the same possibly - for example agents have a generated at the installation time agent seed, which is seen in several places - for example in emd.properties (as AgentSeed property) and in targets.xml (hashed/encrypted to AGENT_TOKEN). I have got an error about duplicating the agent. Possibly there are other such settings.

The solution is to clone the agent:
- copy binaries to the destination location
- run $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -clone -forceClone ORACLE_HOME= ORACLE_HOME_NAME= -noconfig -silent
- run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/agentca -f to run Agent Configuration Assistant
- run $ORACLE_HOME/root.sh as root (assuming this is not a first Oracle product on this machine, else run /oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh)

Location in Oracle docs here.