- the primary shipped logs to the standby properly, but reported errors if asked for status in dgmgrl
DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - dbd Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Databases: db1d - Primary database db2d - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED Configuration Status: ORA-16610: command "Broker operation" in progress DGM-17017: unable to determine configuration status
- the standby initially did not process archivelogs, but after configuration reset (disable and enable operations) it started to process them, but also reported errors in dgmgrl
- it was possible to log in from the primary to the standby
- it was possible to log in from the standby to the primary
- I copied password file from the primary to the standby to ensure this is the same file
- when calling show database on the primary the errors were reported for the standby
- when calling show database on the standby the errors were reported for the primary
It showed that the problem was generated by the TNS entries on the primary - apparently the TNS alias definitions for the primary and the standby there included some blank characters, which caused the alias to be read improperly in case of dgmgrl - at the same time simple call to those aliases through sqlplus went ok.
Once I removed all the formatting in the tnsnames.ora, whole thing started to work properly. What is a bit interesting is that the errors in the TNS were present only on the primary, while the dgmgrl calls malfunctioned on both ends.