Monday 5 August 2013

The orphaned mview registration on a mview log

Some time ago we migrated a certain application between 2 databases. This operation was quite long-term and went in few steps. The replication based upon mviews was involved for the transition period. The one of the final steps was a drop of a few schemas on the source database. So far, so good...

After several months we realized that one of the mview logs on a table from the migrated schemas had become quite large despite the fact that the mview based upon it had been refreshed regularly and that was the only mview bound with this mview log.

What is behind this tale?
It is quite easy to find the solution by googling or at least some clues to what happened with our log - for example on the blog by A. Prakesh or the blog by D.Vadas. Finally on the MOS there are a few articles describing the whole mview refresh mechanism (236233.1, 258634.1) and dealing by the way with this particular issue.

In our particular case the scenario is the following. The schemas drop operation on the source database affected also the mviews, which were registered with the mview logs on the destination database. Such situation is one of the few possible, when there is performed no explicit unregistration of the mview. In the catalog of the destination database it is seen after performing the following query:
select s.mowner, s.master, s.snaptime, 'exec dbms_mview.purge_mview_from_log('||s.snapid||');' fix1
from sys.slog$ s 
where not exists(select 1 from dba_registered_snapshots r where s.snapid=r.snapshot_id) 
order by mowner, master;
While there are no more entries in the dba_registered_snapshots view, there still exist entries in the sys.slog$, which indicate the database engine, how much data have to be stored to allow for the fast refresh on the registered mviews. The snaptime value indicates the last fast refresh on the registered mviews. In our case we had 2 entries per mview bound with this issue. One of them was the "healthy" one, which has been refreshed frequently, while the second entry was the one without a corresponding entry in the dba_registered_snapshots view with the snaptime far in the past (which corresponded to the oldest rows in the mview log).

So we found the guilty, what's next?
Here is a time for the fix1 column from the query above. The call to the purge_mview_from_log procedure from the dbms_mview package purges all the entries, which are held for a once-in-time existing mviews, which we implicitly dropped with the migrated schemas. The required argument is the snapid column value from s.slog$.
After the purging operation we are left possibly with an enormously grown segment of the mview log, so we need 2 more operations. One is to enable the row movement on the table storing the mview log entries (the system-create name with the pattern MLOG$_{the master table name}) and the next one is the shrink of course, but called this time on the mview log object and not the table (all the issues with shrinking apply .
alter table MLOG$_{the master table name} enable row movement;
alter materialized view log on {the master table name} shrink space [compact];
alter materialized view log on {the master table name} shrink space; -- if previous command with compact

At least in our case the purge even on small tables enabled high waits on the log sync event (though this was not the case on the test environment), so this is important to do the purge in the period of the low database load - for example at night or for weekend. I suppose the reason behind this is that the purge is done by deleting every entry in the mlog. It seems there is a one commit per purge but at least in our case there were lots of commit cleanouts on the production site.

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